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PhD in Applied English Linguistics

Graduated Year Name Degree Programme Study Mode Thesis Title Supervisor
2018 CHAN, Sin Yu Cherry PhD AEL F Second Language Identities and Study Abroad: Multiple Case Studies of Hong Kong English Teacher Education Majors in a Short-term Study Abroad Program in the UK Prof. Jane JACKSON
2018 DU, Xujia Jessie PhD AEL F From EFL, through EMI, to Study Abroad: The Evolving English Learning Motivation of Chinese Students in Multiple Learning Contexts Prof. Jane JACKSON
2018 WONG, Man Ho Ivy PhD AEL F Computer-Based Mediation and Cognitive Linguistics Inspired Instruction to English Prepositions Prof. Gerald NELSON
2018 XIAO, Rong Smile PhD AEL F English Language Commodification in a Beijing Tourism Spot: A Case Study of the Palace Museum Prof. Carmen LEE
2018 XIE, Yingying Amanda PhD AEL F The Evolution of L2 Identities during Study Abroad: Multiple Case Studies of Asian Inbound Exchange Students in Hong Kong Prof. Jane JACKSON
2016 QIU, Yinqing PhD AEL F Adjective Gradability across Speech and Writing - A Corpus Study Based on ICE-GB Prof. Gerald NELSON
2015 MAK, Chun Nam Bernie PhD AEL F Humor, Small Talk, and the Construction of Identity and Power in Workplace Instant Messaging Prof. Carmen LEE
2015 ZHANG, Guiping Cathy PhD AEL F Motivating Factors for the Long Passives in Academic Writing Prof. Gerald NELSON
2014 CHAN, Wai Nga Gloria PhD AEL F The Professional Identity Development of Preservice Postgraduate Diploma in Education (English) Teachers in Hong Kong Prof. Jane JACKSON
2014 WONG, Suzanne Shu-shan PhD AEL P Cause-effect Transitivity: A Lexical Semantic Classification and Analysis of Underpassivized Verbs in L2 English Prof. Gerald NELSON
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