Yuen Ying Circle
2022-23 Term 2
Exploring the multi-faceted linguistic landscape of Hong Kong: A regional analysis
As one of the world’s most densely populated areas, the linguistic landscape (LL) of Hong Kong is a rich tapestry of languages and dialects. This study, thereafter, aims to examine Hong Kong’s contemporary LL and explore potential cultural transformations through a comparative analysis of public signage in three districts: Mongkok, Tin Shui Wai, and Discovery Bay.
In this paper, I investigate the degree of multilingualism, language presence, and the prominence of English in relation to non-English elements within these signs (i.e., relative size, font style, and position). With three fieldwork sessions conducted in early 2023, a total of 327 signs were documented and coded. A diverse data sample was used with a variety of sign types such as commercial billboards, price tags, graffiti, pull-up banners, discarded wrappers etc.
This study uncovers a general trend towards multilingual signage over a 14-year period, highlighting the influence of regional factors on language presence and the utilization of Simplified Chinese. However, the variability in Hong Kong’s LL is also shaped by other factors such as the need to present/stylize product authenticity and local social meanings. These findings offer insights into the dynamic and complex nature of the LL, providing a more nuanced understanding of the intricate interplay between language and society.
Throughout my four years of undergraduate studies, I have embarked on an journey that has deepened my understanding of the relationship between language and society. The capstone project, in particular, stands as a culmination of these years. It all began in my sociolinguistics course, where I first encountered the fascinating concept of the linguistic landscape. Little did I know that this idea would become the cornerstone of my research adventure.
Undertaking the capstone project was no small feat; the challenges were daunting. From meticulously collecting data to taking countless photos of signs, it felt like a linguistic treasure hunt. The hours spent analysing each language displayed on the signs seemed never-ending. Yet, it was a labor of love—an arduous yet fulfilling journey where I bore witness to the beauty and complexity of language unfolding before my eyes. As I move forward, armed with the knowledge and experiences gained from this capstone project, I find myself filled with a deep appreciation for the power of language to connect, express, and shape our world.
I am immensely thankful to Prof. Gonzales for his constant guidance and support throughout the semester. He encouraged and challenged me to delve into the subject of linguistic landscape, even though it was a less familiar concept to me. Instead of opting for a simpler and less spectacular path, he pushed me to explore something new outside of my comfort zone. His support and insights have been instrumental in shaping my approach. I am truly fortunate to have had Prof. Gonzales as my supervisor.