
Postgraduate Research Students

SEYMOUR, Christopher Gethen Hardwick


Tel 3943 5717
Office Fung King Hey 303B

Professor Jookyoung JUNG

Professor Haerim HWANG

Although there is an abundance of literature on incidental and intentional acquisition during reading, as well as differences between native speakers and L2 users of English specifically in the acquisition of synonyms, there seems to be a lack of research that considers differences between L2 users of English from different L1 backgrounds in synonym acquisition. There is also a need for more research comparing fluency of access to collocational word knowledge when reading for populations with typologically distinct native languages. The impact of constructed salience techniques on attentional processing has also only recently begun to be explored in depth. My research aims to use eye tracking to shed light on these areas of Psycholinguistics and Applied Linguistics. My primary goal is to pursue extensive research, providing valuable insights and valid information as to the nature of attentional processes during vocabulary acquisition by advanced language-learners when reading. I also hope to enlighten pedagogical practice in the teaching of English synonyms.

Research Interests
Vocabulary acquisition; corpus linguistics; reading; intentional and incidental learning; attentional processing; constructed salience; eye tracking; impact of first language in second language acquisition; near-synonym acquisition
Selected Publications