2023-24 Term 2
The Role of Age in Second Language Acquisition: The Case of South Asian Secondary School Students in Hong Kong
This research investigates the role of age on second language acquisition among South Asian Secondary School students in Hong Kong. Due to the complexity of the role of age in language acquisition, Lenneberg (1967) proposed the Critical Period Hypothesis which suggests that there is a threshold at which it is possible to learn another language successfully. The age of the Critical Period Hypothesis in existing literature varies from research to research while Lenneberg who proposed the theory claims that learning a language after puberty (age 12) becomes significantly challenging. The purpose of this research is to investigate whether age influences second language acquisition and explores the gap in existing literature by focusing on South Asian secondary school students in a multilingual setting in Hong Kong. The methodology consists of collecting data via a background survey and a grammaticality judgement test. Two exceptional cases were identified and interviewed to get insight into the different factors that play a role in second language acquisition. Contrary to what the existing literature claims, age only played a marginal role in this research. The findings show that learner’s environment, individual differences such as motivation, language learning strategies, willingness to communicate and self-esteem play a much crucial role for successful language acquisition.
As an aspiring secondary school teacher, my undergraduate years provided me with valuable opportunities to explore the field of second language acquisition. I enrolled in two second-language acquisition classes, English Language Teaching and Learning by Professor Jung and Acquisition of English as a Second Language by Professor Haerim. Both courses provided me with sufficient knowledge and strategies for second language acquisition and introduced me to the Critical Period Hypothesis proposed by Lenneberg in 1967. It sparked my interest in the complexities of language teaching and learning.
However, I discovered that there is little research on South Asians in Hong Kong. As a South Asian, it struck a chord with me since I have seen excessive expectations placed on South Asian students’ English proficiency. While examining the Critical Period Hypothesis, it was revealed that age is not the sole factor influencing second language learning. My project has been instrumental in shaping my knowledge of providing a supportive environment for my students and implementing a variety of approaches in the future to ensure they effectively acquire English as a second language.
Lastly, I would love to express my utmost gratitude to Professor Jookyoung JUNG for guiding me and providing valuable insights throughout my capstone project.