
Student Sharing

Emily Chow (PhD 2016, M.Phil. 2011)

It is a place that allows you to transcend time and space by showing you minds and souls of a spectrum of authors from ancient time to the 21st century, from Africa to Europe. You will have access to the world they lived in – experiencing lives that you could never possibly have.

Flora Mak (Current PhD, MPhil 2011)

Having stayed in the Department since undergraduate years, I enjoy a growing sense of intimacy with the people working here. Most teachers are conscientious in writing their lecture as well as conducting research. They are also supportive towards students, always eager and sincere when addressing our academic questions and needs. As a teaching assistant, I gain fun and inspiration from the literary discussion I hold with students during tutorials. I think it is this close-knit network among teachers and students that makes the study of literature in English warm and rewarding at CUHK.