

Cart Noodles Press

Cart Noodles Press is a publishing imprint of the Department of English, Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Making Space: A Collection of Writing and Art (January 2023)

Edited by Nicolette Wong

How do we situate ourselves when we navigate the city of Hong Kong—physically, and in our minds? Against a backdrop of bustling density and movement, the difficulties of making space have shaped our days. From the challenges of limited living space and the quest for personal space, to the everyday negotiations of our identities in the social space, we are constantly confronted with the question: How do we redefine the distance between the city, others, and ourselves, and between the selves within us?

This collection features prose, poetry and artwork from writers and artists in or from Hong Kong, as well as those who have had a close connection with the city, that explore the (im)possibility of making space. How do we remake space in our lives and our creative practices? What does this (im)possibility mean in (or in relation to) Hong Kong today?

For more information, please visit: Making Space: A Collection of Writing and Art webpage.


Looking Back at Hong Kong: An Anthology of Writing and Art (October 2021)

Edited by Nicolette Wong

Amidst the reshaping of Hong Kong’s social, cultural, political and ideological landscape, how do we reenvisage a city that exists in our memories? For those who have left their hometown—or the place they once called home—the question, “What does it mean to be a Hongkonger?” marks a constant shift between conflicting realities, identities and perceptions. Beyond the act of remembering, how do we reimagine our relationship with Hong Kong in the present and the future?

In this collection of prose, poetry and photography by eighteen writers and artists, we see a gathering of reflections on the profound changes and subtle transitions that have transpired in Hong Kong, both in recent times and over the past decades.

For more information, please visit: Looking Back at Hong Kong: An Anthology of Writing and Art webpage.


Writing in Difficult Times: A Bilingual Essay Anthology (November 2021)

This anthology seeks original personal essays by writers in/ from Hong Kong about the (im)possibility of writing in, through, above, or from difficult times. We are particularly interested in work that explores and reflects on more personal (or lesser-known) subjects that have made your own writing process difficult (attention-seeking pets, for instance). This said, writers are free to interpret “difficulties” in a much broader sense: physical challenges, mental unwellness, microaggressions, social class, limited living space, the pandemic, etc. Essays that reveal the intersection of the personal and the public, and how they mutually inform or infuriate each other also sound exciting to us! The anthology is slated for late 2021. Essays accepted will be printed bilingually.

Book editors: Nicholas Wong (English) and Li Mei Ting (Chinese)

For more information, please visit: Writing in Difficult Times: A Bilingual Essay Anthology webpage.


Between the Lines: Short Fiction Vol.1 & Vol.2 (Spring and Summer 2021)

The anthologies are based on a creative writing workshop series conducted by Nicolette Wong and supported by Emily Hedvig Olsson and Kristen Cheung. The collections feature short stories by participants from Maryknoll Convent School, St. Rose of Lima’s College and Law Ting Pong Secondary School. From the colourful portrayals of Hong Kong, sensitive depictions of personal relationships, to glimpses of youths’ struggles and anxieties, the stories reflect the creativity and aspirations of our city’s young writers.

Editor in chief: Nicolette Wong
Associate editors: Emily Hedvig Olsson, Kristen Cheung
